Free event to inspire next generation of engineers is open to the public
EL PASO – EPWater and the TecH2O Learning Center are excited to highlight the utility’s Engineering Department with the signature event, DiscoverE: Design Your Future, marking the conclusion of National Engineers Week. The free family event will celebrate engineers and engage students and their families on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“This is an opportunity for kids and their families to engage with working engineers, see what they do and what is possible in the realm of engineering,” said Jennifer Barr, Water Conservation/TecH2O Manager.
In partnership with the American Council of Engineering Companies, DiscoverE will offer new and exciting science and engineer-driven activities. There will also be a food truck onsite.
WHAT: DiscoverE: Design Your Future
WHO: El Paso Water, TecH2O and the American Council of Engineering Companies of El Paso
WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: TecH2O Learning Center at 10751 Montana Ave.
COST: Free