Delegation to examine water management practices, tour facilities
El Paso - Policymakers, water and irrigation experts from Egypt will tour El Paso Water’s Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Facility and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant Wednesday, June 8. The El Paso Council for International Visitors has collaborated with the U.S. Department of State to host a leadership program that aims to connect Egyptian experts with peers in the United States and El Paso to share best practices and learn about farming in the desert, water management and conservation resources.
WHAT: Egyptian delegation to tour EPWater facilities
WHEN: Wednesday, June 8 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon
WHO: Members of Egyptian delegation
PHOTO OP: Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant, 10751 Montana Ave.
The Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant opened in 2007 and is the world’s largest inland desalination plant, treating up to 27.5 million gallons per day of brackish (salty) groundwater from the aquifer and using reverse osmosis technology to produce drinking water.
The Egyptian delegation will also tour the Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Plant which treats up to 12 million gallons a day of wastewater, using advanced technology to create drinking quality water that is used to replenish the aquifer. Reclaimed water is also sent to irrigation and industrial users.