Airway Blvd. affected by waterline project

Waterline project to replace aging infrastructure

EL PASOBeginning the week of September 30, El Paso Water will start construction on a water line rehabilitation project on the southbound lanes of Airway Boulevard, between Edgemere Boulevard and Gateway West. Drivers can expect the following during construction:

  • Two left lanes of southbound Airway will be closed from north of Viscount to Gateway West
  • One lane of southbound Airway will remain open
  • International Dr. will have a full closure at Airway
  • All lanes of northbound Airway will remain open

Work will continue through the week before Thanksgiving when construction activities will pause. All lanes of Airway Boulevard will be restored and reopened before Thanksgiving through January 1, 2025, when construction will resume. Business access will be maintained, and detour signage will be prominently displayed

EPWater has employed several non-intrusive methods to address a consistent water leak near and around Airway and Viscount. At this point, replacement of the cast-iron main is the best option.

EPWater will use directional drilling to install a corrosion resistant waterline with a life span of 50-100 years. Please use extra caution in traffic-control zones to ensure crews can safely complete this project.

Airway map

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